SSCP Associate Member

Philip Hill



t: 07791 305785

Philip Hill is a psychoanalyst, writer and teacher with over 30 years clinical experience. He has worked in the NHS and a range of other contexts and runs a private clinic in North London.  Prospective patients, supervisees and academics are invited to get in touch by phone or email. 

Philip trained with the UK's first Lacanian training organisation, the Centre for Freudian Analysis and Research (CFAR) of which he is a member.  Philip is also a member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy and has taught theory and clinical technique in the UK and overseas.

Philip is the author of two books on Lacan and psychoanalysis, and is currently working on two books that take Freud and Lacan's ideas and apply them to immunology, and to the history of science.


Lacan for Beginners, 1997 (reprinted 2012)

Writers and Readers, London

Using Lacanian Clinical Technique, An Introduction, 2002

Press for the Habilitation of Psychoanalysis, London; copies available from the psychoanalysis bookshop Karnac

Various papers on: